Friday, January 22, 2016

Weekly Post #1

This week in class we investigated 6 different  image formats and when to use them, by far the biggest help was these posters that we found about some of the image formats:

For the  page with the WHOLE poster, you can find it here:
We separated into groups and started to investigate them, our group was a little bit disorganized, but we managed to do it.

We finished the week by doing two posters about them and their characteristics, you can find them in our Computing class, but for the readers that aren't part of the class, this page has tons of information regarding image formats and they probably do a much better job at explaining it than myself :

Definitely worth a read!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I miss one thing that you learned.
    Please, make the links active!
